Origin Story

My career started as a one-week sales gig to help a cousin hit a deadline. We knocked on doors of small businesses in the area. The week was a success for all and before I knew it, that gig morphed into nearly twenty years at two different companies, selling marketing solutions to small business owners. I built and trained multiple sales teams to serve hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized business around the United States.

Along the way I tried to share with them what I had noticed on the front lines. These entrepreneurs, these small business owners that we’re calling on have sacrificed a lot to start their company and keep it afloat. Some mortgaged their house to get it started. Some borrowed from family members to make payroll when times were tough. Some lost a marriage to the stress of running the company.

In each case, I noticed a consistent trend.

“Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.”

-attributed to John Wanamaker

Each had wasted thousands of dollars on marketing stuff that just didn’t work for them. They’d tell me stories about how they tried this product or that solution and how it failed them–it didn’t bring in any new business or cost them more than they made. They found themselves frustrated with the whole idea of marketing their business, feeling they were burned over and over.

The consistency of the story–invest everything into a business and waste thousands of dollars on the wrong marketing–hit me. I felt awful for these business owners. I saw their struggle. So, I’m doing something about it.

Powder Days Marketing exists to help small business owners grow their companies so they can achieve their financial goals and do good in the world with their discretionary time and money. One of the first tasks we take on is assessing generally what marketing channels to ignore entirely, which to start using, and which to improve.

  1. Gary Esmay February 15, 2024 at 11:34 am - Reply

    Hello Travis,
    I often wonder how and what you are doing these days. I stumbled across you on a rare visit to Linked In and jumped on your website.
    Looks great! I too love Powder Days!! Haven’t gotten enough of them this season… yet. I saw a distant connection in your origin story so I thought I’d reach out, say hello and congratulate you on a life well lived! Your infectious enthusiasm, generosity, hard work and faith appear to have paid rich rewards both in business and your beautiful family .

    Here’s to many more Powder Days!

    Your friend,
    Gary E.

    • Travis Isaacson February 15, 2024 at 11:46 am - Reply

      Thanks Gary!

      Great to hear from you. I hope things are well in your world!

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